National Geographic Magazine:  Primate Evolution Comps, Heatmap and Family Tree

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last updated: September 21, 2004
10:20 PM EST

Heatmap Color Comp
Color Comp of the Heatmap

Family Tree Color Comp
Color Comp of the Heatmap

Here are the color comps of the heatmap and the family tree illustrations which we were emailing about last week. I decided the heatmaps looked better as a cylinder after all...the colors are taken right from the original heat map diagram provided, but I brought up the brightness a bit so that it's hopefully not so stark. I've also added highlights and shadows to punch it up a bit and make it look more "3-D".

From left to right, the columns are macacque, gorilla, chimpanzee, and human.

Underneath, I've created a more final version of the family tree illustration: a more vertical version of sketch number 5.

Let me know what you think!

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On to Final, Heatmap